Can computers outperform doctors in determining consciousness?

When someone is in the hospital, whether they are conscious or not is determined by a bedside exam—but those exams aren’t always accurate, especially when deciding whether a patient is in a “minimally conscious state” or has “unresponsive wakefulness syndrome.” Now, scientists have created a machine learning algorithm that uses brain waves to determine consciousness […]

No quick fix for ADHD but a variety of different strategies

There is no quick fix for ADHD. Although medication can help treat people’s symptoms, it’s only part of an overall ADHD treatment strategy. Another significant element of that strategy are Cognitive and Behavioral training and techniques, such as the ones developed here in Hong Kong by PowerBrain Rx. For many years, it has proven to […]

Your brain rewards you twice when you eat

In a new imaging study, scientists have discovered why people may overeat foods they enjoy: because by getting a bigger dopamine dose on ingesting the food they get a lower dose when the food reaches the stomach. More on Forbes here

Can placebos actually work?

“Placebos” are harmless treatments that supposedly do no real good, even if a patient thinks they do. But new research suggests that positive results to a placebo—the “placebo effect”—may have a root in biological processes. This research could upend how we think about medical research and treatment. Read more at “What if the placebo effect […]

Not So Bird-Brained After All

A lot of people don’t associate intelligence with birds, but crows are surprisingly smart animals. In one recent study, researchers found that crows could combine parts to create tools, a skill requiring complex thinking and problem solving. Before this study, that ability had only been seen in humans and other great apes. More details on […]