Why your brain experiences “post-election slump” – 為什麼你的大腦會經歷因選舉引發的衰退?
After a big election, do you feel down or depressed, regardless of how you feel about the outcome? Many people do—and now, scientists have an explanation. During an election, your brain circuits may become “hyperactivated” by constant news coverage, which causes a chemical crash once the votes are in. Find out why – 大選過後,且不論你對結果滿意與否,你是否覺得失落或沮喪?很多人都會回答――是。現在,科學家們得出結論:大選期間,因為持續的新聞報道,你的大腦迴路可能會變得過度活躍;而一旦你完成投票,便會導致大腦內的化學失衡。