Season’s Greetings! – 僅祝聖誕及新年快樂!

During the festive season, our centres will be closed on HK public holidays (25/12, 26/12 and 01/01) and open on all other days. Have a wonderful time with your families! 佳節期間,本中心除公衆假期(十二月二十五、二十六及一月一日)外,會照常開放。 祝闔府安康!

Holidays on the Brain

The holiday season is upon us! Some people cherish this time of year, while others could do without it. According to a (very small Danish) study, the brains of the holiday lovers may have a “holiday network,” while the others do not. More about it here

It Takes Two

How do our brains recognize and navigate our environment? Scientists used to think the same part of the brain was at work, but it turns out that two distinct parts are involved: one that recognizes a place (as a bathroom, a park, or whatever other environment it is) and a second that manages navigation through […]