Dyscalculia – 數學障礙

Difficulty with reading is what people most associate with learning disorders, but there are some kids who struggle with numbers rather than words. A math-based learning disorder is not the same thing as math anxiety: Math anxiety is the nervousness that makes it hard for some kids to perform well on things like math tests. […]

To maintain lifelong mental acuity, avoid early retirement and repetitive jobs – 為了終身保持精神敏銳,避免提前退休及做不斷重複的事

Retir­ing at 55 and spend­ing the rest of your life relax­ing on the front porch may sound appeal­ing, but if you want your brain to keep work­ing, it’s prob­a­bly not a good idea. Mount­ing evi­dence shows that stay­ing in the work­force into old age is good not only for our bank accounts, but also for […]

Testimonial – 推薦

“I would like to thank for your hard work with reference to my grand daughter Sharon Gurung’s education development at your academic establishment.  I am very pleased to inform that with your great efforts, she has been able to pass the Primary School entrance examination successfully.  I must say that Almighty God has been very […]

ADHD emotions: how they affect your life and happiness(4) – 專注力不足過度活躍(ADHD)人士的情緒問題:足以影響患者的人生和幸福(4)

The emotion commotion of ADHD can hurt self-esteem, relationships, and just about everything else in life. Here’s what you should know to control it. (4) Always tense and on edge. Many ADHDers say the same thing when you ask them about their emotional life: “I am always tense, I can never relax. I can’t just […]

Thinking about thinking – 思考有關思考的問題

All children face learning challenges. How successful they are in school depends a lot on how they respond to those challenges. Do they give up easily? Do they decide they’re just not good at math, or science or writing? One of the keys to helping them is to turn any kind of negative thinking into […]

Public Holiday! – 公眾假期!

All our centres are closed on Monday 02/05. Enjoy the holiday and see you on Tuesday ! – Power Brain Rx 所有中心於5月2日星期一休息, 星期二重開。 祝假日愉快!