Why There Is Often A Delay in Autism Diagnoses

Very early social skills training, ideally before school age, can make a big difference in a child’s development later on if they are autistic. However, many children are not receiving that vital assistance. For many, the reason for this isn’t that they’re not receiving a diagnosis; rather, it’s that they’re receiving a different diagnostic first. […]

The brain goes to work when you are sick

Two recent studies show that it’s not just the immune system that kicks in when you get sick—the brain actively coordinates the response. Two parts of the brain are particularly important in helping the body respond to illness in ways that fight a virus or bacteria: the hypothalamus directs the fever response, and contributes to […]

Assisting Girls with ADHD in Building Friendships

Developing friendships is a crucial aspect of growing up. They support children’s development of problem-solving skills, social skills, and group dynamics. They even assist children in developing a deeper sense of self. However, not every youngster is innately socially adept. It might be especially challenging for ladies with ADHD to make friends. Girls that are […]

A link between dental health and brain health

A new study has found that people with poorer dental health have a reduced volume in their hippocampus—a part of the brain that is important for memory. Prior studies have also linked dental health with heart health, and heart health with brain health—good reminders that the health of the brain and the body rely on […]