CNY 2022

Dear All, Parents and Students, For Chinese New Year, please note that all our 4 centres will be closed from Monday 31 January to Saturday 05 February, both dates inclusive. Wishing you All a great time with families! May this new year of the Tiger brings you good health, happiness and prosperity!

Myth busted: you use your whole brain, not 10%

For more than a century, people have repeated the myth that people use just 10% of their brains. Now, scientists (and many others) know that is simply not true: we use every part of the brain. Still, the myth persists. Where did it come from, and how did it get definitively disproved? Read more on […]

Reconsidering indoor air quality

Thanks to the coronavirus, over the past 18 months or so the quality of indoor air—in workplaces, airplanes, restaurants, and homes—has gained attention. But a recent study shows that catching a virus isn’t the only problem with some indoor air. The study followed people working in offices in five countries—the US, India, Mexico, Thailand, and […]

How to tell if your daughter has ADHD

Diagnosing ADHD can be tricky. That’s because its most common symptoms can also be signs of other disorders. Parents, teachers and even clinicians sometimes jump to the conclusion that a child (especially a boy) with attention issues has ADHD, but it’s important to consider other possible causes. And because ADHD in girls often looks different, […]

Brain games vs. Personalized brain training

While ads for digital brain games sometimes claim to help everything from ADHD to dementia, we encourage you to do your own research. Many people download digital games to their phones and computers, in hopes of training their brains. While digital brain games are a great addition to your smartphone library, they will not be […]