No Brain Required for Sleep – 沒有大腦也需要睡眠

Scientists don’t entirely agree about why we sleep, although it seems to be a time of rejuvenation for the brain. If that’s the primary reason, you might think animals who don’t have a brain don’t need sleep. But a new study shows that jellyfish—which has a ring-shaped nervous system instead of a brain—sleep, too. Dive […]

ADHD and motivation (2) – ADHD 和動機 (2)

We all know them – kids with ADHD who are bright, energetic, and creative – yet struggle in school. They don’t enjoy learning. They prefer easier work. They give up easily. By all accounts, they lack motivation. But why? Is it due to a bad attitude? Is it laziness? No, it’s in the wiring! ——————– Is […]

Growing “mini-brains” in the lab – 在實驗室内複製“微型大腦”

Over the past few years, scientists have been growing very small balls (4 mm) of human brain tissue. As this process gets more successful—and the organoids are able to “live” longer—these mini-brains have the potential to revolutionize disease modeling and personalized medicine for a host of neurological conditions. Scared or hopeful? Read more here – […]

ADHD and motivation (1) – ADHD 和動機 (1)

We all know them – kids with ADHD who are bright, energetic, and creative – yet struggle in school. They don’t enjoy learning. They prefer easier work. They give up easily. By all accounts, they lack motivation. But why? Is it due to a bad attitude? Is it laziness? No, it’s in the wiring! ———— Looking […]

Does a brain glitch contribute to obesity? – 肥胖是否大腦故障所致?

Recent research has shown that when people eat (take in energy), their brains respond by flipping a switch that switches fat from “white” (stored) to “brown” (available for energy expenditure). But that mechanism can be defective…and when it is, the body does not increase energy output in line with energy intake. The result: weight gain. […]

Finding memories in the brain – 尋找大腦中的記憶

When we have an experience and form a memory of it, our brains create a neural circuit that represents the memory. Scientists have typically believed that to recall the memory, the brain followed the same circuit. But a new study suggests it actually takes an unexpected detour. Read more at Science Daily   – 當我們把一段經歷儲存入記憶時,大腦會為這段記憶製造一個神經迴路。科學家一般相信,要提取這段記憶,大腦會跟隨原來的迴路。不過,近期一項研究發現,記憶的提取其實是經另一個意想不到的繞道出來的。 […]

Public holidays – 公眾假期

Dear All, please note that all our centres will be closed next week on public holidays: Monday 02/10 and Thursday 05/10. Like us, take the opportunity to have a great time with your family! 🙂 – 各位家長 10月2日(星期一)和10月5日(星期四),因公眾假期,本中心會休息。祝各位中秋節快樂!:)