Cute animal photos are irresistible to the brain – 大腦容易被可愛的動物相片吸引
Do you ever wonder why it’s so hard to resist clicking on a cute kitten picture? Blame your brain! Cute things like baby animals dose your brain with a hit of pleasure-inducing dopamine. The good news: this chemical flow can help you focus and concentrate in subsequent tasks. Learn more here – 為什麼我們一看到可愛的小貓相片,就會情不自禁地按入圖片的連結?這都是大腦作怪,因爲當我們看到可愛的東西,如貓寶寶時,大腦會釋放出令人愉悅的多巴胺。更讓人高興的是,這些多巴胺能讓你在接下來的工作中更專注、更集中。 想了解更多,請參閱