When they think they are “Weird”.
The last thing most kids want is to look different from their friends. So when kids get pulled out of class for tutoring or called on by the teacher for something they’re afraid they can’t deliver, they may feel embarrassed and singled out.
These experiences day after day can damage a child’s self-esteem and make her dread going to school.
What to do:
Ask teachers to be sensitive to how kids are feeling.
Single kids out for praise, too. Kids who are struggling in school may feel like they are mostly getting negative attention. When teachers make a special effort to give kids positive attention for the things that they are doing right—even little things—it can improve their mood and confidence.
Find the right academic environment. Sometimes kids feel like they stick out because they need more assistance than they are currently getting. Work with the school and your child’s provider to consider what his needs are and if they are being met. He may need more accommodations, a different kind of tutoring, or even a change of school
大部分孩子都不希望與自己的朋友看起來不一樣,所以當他們被調離課室去作其它輔導,又或者當老師要求他做一些事情, 自己害怕做不來時,他們便會感到尷尬和被孤立。