Otto’s mother, 1 June 2016:  “We are thrilled with the progress that Otto has been making at Powerbrain and stemming from that the progress he is making in school. He has become a noticeably more focused student and is beginning to find real pleasure in his studies. Thank you.”

Touching-testimonial1(1) – 你們好!很感謝你們訓練小兒,使他愉快學習。經過你們訓練和教導,使他記憶力增強,邏輯思維較快,待人處事有所進步.他亦十分很喜歡上堂練習,並覺得有成功感.不停鍛鍊的課程,令他提升思考能力,推理能力,觀察能力.並透過練習,教材和活動遊戲,增加對學習的興趣.使他增強分析力,邏輯思考加強不少,對事物有新的思維.而我認為不單是學習上有進步,做事亦有自信心。
Herman’s father
