
  • Your body’s defense system- the release of adrenaline and cortisol- is built for an immediate response to a serious but passing danger, such as a saber-toothed tiger. Chronic stress, such as hostility at home, dangerously deregulates a system built only to deal with short – term responses.

  • Under chronic stress, adrenaline creates scars in your blood vessels that can cause a heart attack or stroke, and cortisol damages the cells of the hippocampus, crippling your ability to learn and remember.

  • Individually, the worst kind of stress is the feeling that you have no control over the problem – you are helpless.

  • Emotional stress has huge impacts across society, on children’s ability to learn in school and on employees’ productivity at work.


  •  我們身體的防禦機制, 當遇上嚴重但短暫的危機,例如一隻劍齒虎的出現時,會即時釋出腎上腺素和皮質醇。至於長期壓力,例如與家人不和時,這個機制便會受到干擾甚至破壞,因爲它只能針對短期危機作出適當反應。

  • 在長期受壓下,腎上腺素會在我們的血管造成疤痕,容易引致心臟病發或中風。皮質醇則會破壞我們大腦海馬體的細胞,削弱我們的學習和記憶能力。

  • 個人來說,最大的壓力莫過於當你感到問題完全失控,非常無助時。

  • 情緒壓力對整體社會有巨大的影響,它影響兒童的學習能力,及員工的工作效率。