It’s easier to do something physically challenging or mentally challenging separately. If you have to do them both at the same time, your performance suffers. But according to a new study, it suffers more in physical performance, suggesting that more energy is going to the brain than the body. Researchers say this finding supports the “selfish brain” theory of evolution.

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要做挑戰體力或腦力的活動,分開來做會較容易。如果兩者同時進行,表現就會受到影響。 一項近期的研究指出,在這種情況下,通常是體力活動表現較差,這意味著流向大腦的能量比流向身體的多。研究人員表示,這一發現支持“大腦優先”(Selfish brain)此一進化理論。

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