
I used to go a lot to tutoring classes, but it was a waste of time for me as I didn’t have any big improvements. Then, a friend of mine introduced me to PowerBrain Rx. This training helped me a lot, not only at school but also in my daily life. This training works with my weak points and improve it. Now, studying subjects such as Chinese History and History is no longer a challenge for me because I can memorise more and faster. I also remember phone numbers and passwords faster and I do not often need to take notes in my phone. This brain training is not boring….on the opposite it is really good and fun!

Hendry, 14 years-old

From this program I feel that I have gained in concentration and I do now my homeworks faster than before. Before this program, when I was at school I always would miss what the teacher was saying because I didn’t concentrate enough. But after this program, I can easily understand what the teacher is saying and I can multitask much better. I wish to come back in the Summer and I love my instructors!

Bosco, 12 years-old

I used to have a real problem to focus on my work and especially in class. I tried to remember as much as I could, but I simply coudn’t. PowerBrain Rx gave me the chance to see my strengths and weaknesses. With a great trainer we have worked on my weaknesses and I have realized that it really helps! I can concentrate more, I think faster than I used to, and most importantly I remember so much more! I have improved my work and for that I thank PowerBrain Rx!

Mathilde, 17 years-old

Cognitive Assessment: Book online here!