• The brain is in a constant state of tension between cells and chemicals that try to put you to sleep and cells and chemicals that try to keep you awake.

  • The neurons of your brain show vigorous rhythmical activity when you’re asleep- perhaps replaying what you learned that day.

  • People vary in how much sleep they need and when they prefer to get it, but the biological drive for an afternoon nap is universal.

  • Loss of sleep hurts attention, executive function, working memory, mood, quantitative skills, logical reasoning and even motor dexterity.


  • 大腦長期有兩股張力在拉扯,一邊是令我們睡覺的化學成分和細胞,另一邊是讓大家清醒的化學成分和細胞。

  • 大腦內的神經元在我們睡覺時會有節奏地不斷活動,有可能是在重播著我們在日間所學習的東西。

  • 每個人所需要的睡眠時間和選擇什麽時候入睡都會不同,但對午睡的生理渴求卻是一致的。

  • 睡眠不足會損害專注力、判斷能力、短期記憶、情緒、數理能力、邏輯推理能力,甚至肢體的靈巧性。