“I would like to thank for your hard work with reference to my grand daughter Sharon Gurung’s education development at your academic establishment.  I am very pleased to inform that with your great efforts, she has been able to pass the Primary School entrance examination successfully.  I must say that Almighty God has been very kind to us for showing me the right direction to your establishment, so we were able to achieve our goal. Thanks”  GURUNG Bijar Bir (Sharon Gurung’ grand father)


 “我的女兒今年5歲,活潑好動,但我一直認爲她有學習障礙… 自從參與了PowerBrain Rx的訓練後,她的專注力明顯有所提升;對學習開始感興趣;做功課獨立;在學校裏也得到了老師的認同;最近學習成績也有了非常大的進步。對於她的改善我感到很開心,所以極力推薦小朋友,特別是有專注力困難的,一定要來PowerBrain Rx接受他們的專業訓練!” Mrs. Chow
