“I would like to thank PowerBrain Rx because I think the training I have just had is very effective, I can recommend it to all my friends! I have found that I can now memorize all important facts at school. It was fun and cool, and I can see results! A big “Thank You” to all my instructors, they were all perfect!” Julian, 13 years-old
– 看到的東西不會很快忘記(閲讀書籍的時候不會忘記之前的情節)。 緊張的情況減低(不會在緊張時容易説話不流暢)。 記憶比以前持久(在預習時,能夠輕易記下内容)。 反應比以前快(對於數字比以前敏感)。 注意力比以前好(比以前較能專心,不受其他事影響)。
Jackie Lee, 14 years-old