I would like to take this opportunity to first thank my friend who recommended me to come to PowerBrain Rx. Then, of course, a big “Thank You” to the PowerBrain Rx team for their seamless guidance and support. With their help, I have become more confident and I am now thinking in a more positive way!

Since coming to PowerBrain Rx, I have grown in several ways:

  • Quicker processing speed

  • Longer attention span

  • Better working memory

  • Better in organization

  • Better in capturing key words and understanding them

  • Quicker in responding

The program that I am now following empowers me to improve confidence, memory and creative wellness.

Once again, Thanks so much to all of you at PowerBrain Rx, for everything you have done for me so far!

Mrs LEUNG,  15 September 2015

首先,我想藉此機會多謝推薦我到PowerBrain Rx的朋友。之後,當然是要感謝PowerBrain Rx團隊無暇的指導和支持。有著他們的幫助,我變得有自信和想法更正面。

自參與PowerBrain Rx的訓練後,我在以下幾方面也有改善:

  • 更快的處理速度

  • 更長的專注力

  • 更好的工作記憶

  • 更佳的組織能力

  • 更容易地找到關鍵字和理解

  • 更快地回應

在次,再一次感謝PowerBrain Rx的團隊為我做的一切!
