New studies have shown that while we sleep, our neural connections shrink—by 18-20% (according to one study) when compared to waking time. Why? Researchers think it’s because our neurons need time to “downscale”—becoming weaker for a time to prevent becoming too saturated and unable to learn new things. In fact, they argue, this may be one of the primary purposes of sleep—to prepare our neurons for a new day of learning.

synapses at sleep


新的研究指出:在睡眠期間,我們的神經元聯系會比清醒的時候減弱18-20%(根據其中一項研究顯示)。 原因是什麼?研究人員認為這是因為我們的神經元需要時間進行“規模調整“,在一段時間内減弱聯系,以防大腦過於飽和,阻礙學習新事物。事實上,他們表示,睡眠讓神經元為新一天的學習做好準備,這可能是我們需要睡眠的其中一個主要原因。

synapses at sleep