In an MRI study, researchers in Spain have charted how the brain changes after pregnancy. In the study, women had significant reductions in grey matter in certain parts of the brain. According to the researchers, “these changes concern brain areas associated with functions necessary to manage the challenges of motherhood,” and reflect a streamlining of the brain’s resources.

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在一項磁力共振的研究中,西班牙的研究人員繪製了大腦在懷孕後的變化。 研究發現,懷孕後,女性大腦某些部分的灰質顯著減少。 研究人員指出,“這些變化涉及一些腦區,這些腦區與管理做母親的挑戰時所需的功能相關,”反映了大腦資源的精簡。

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