Instead of saying, “You got that problem right. You’re so smart,” say “You worked hard on those problems and you figured them out. That’s great.”     Talk through how they deal with challenges and praise persistence.

Kids who receive this kind of praise are more likely to take on challenges. They have a “growth mindset,” which means that they see their abilities as something they can develop. This sets the stage for a lifelong interest in learning.

父母應該稱讚孩子付出的努力 – 而不是讚美他們的天賦或智慧。與其說﹕「你答對了、你真聰明」,不如說﹕「你非常努力地去尋找答案,而且你找到了,做得好。」我們應該透過說出他們如何面對挑戰,來讚美他們的堅持和恆心。

原因﹕ 孩子接收到這類型的讚賞會更願意接受挑戰。他們接受了一個「成長的心態」,這意味著他們知道自己的潛能是可以不斷發展的。這種心態有幫他們建立終身學習的興趣和意欲。