In a stunning finding, researchers from Northwestern University have found that some people in their 90s have full-blown physical markers of Alzheimer’s disease in the brain, yet their memories appear to remain unaffected. Studying this unique population may lead to a deeper understanding of the interplay between physical symptoms and cognitive symptoms in Alzheimer’s.
Learn more here.
美國西北大學的研究人員有個驚人的發現,他們發現一些已經九十多歲,並在大腦中全面出現明確的阿爾茨海默病症的老人,他們的記憶似乎保持良好,不受影響。 對於這個獨特群組的研究,可能幫助我們更深入的了解阿爾茨海默氏症在大腦中的實質症狀,與認知缺損症狀之間的互動關係。