“Children get ADHD because of poor parenting”.

ADHD is not caused by anything parents do, although symptoms can be exacerbated by a negative, chaotic, inconsistent home atmosphere. And through programs like Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, parents can learn effective techniques for helping children rein in disruptive behaviors and increase positive ones.


專注力不足及過度活躍障礙的成因與父母的管教無關,不過負面、混亂和不協調的家庭環境,可能使孩子的ADHD症狀更爲嚴重。父母可以通過「親子互動輔導」(Parent-Child Interaction Therapy) ,學習不同的技巧,幫助孩子控制破壞行爲及增加正面行爲。