For better brain health, skip the soda – 要腦袋更健康就要少喝碳酸飲料


Recent research has found that drinking large quantities of sugary soda is correlated with poorer memory and smaller brain volume...

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Brain makes two copies of each memory – 大腦記憶有兩個備份


An interesting new finding has memory scientists puzzled, as it upends many previously held theories on how memories are formed. ...

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To all our students: all our centres remain open this afternoon Monday 12/06, as long as the Hong Kong Observatory doesn’t ...

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7 undisputed truths about your brain – 關於大腦的七件不爭事實


Wired for speech Infants’ language learning and processing rely largely on the same brain circuits that adults use. Recent studie...

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ADHD medecines cause bone density changes – ADHD藥物引致骨質密度改變


A large cross-sectional study has found that children and adolescents who take medication for attention-deficit hyperactivity dis...

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How is dyslexia diagnosed? – 如何診斷出讀寫障礙?


Dyslexia is a difficult disorder to diagnose. There are many factors the psychologist or other health professional reviews to dia...

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Brains of blind people rewired to enhance other senses – 失明人士的大腦會自我調整 令其他感官得以加強


There has long been anecdotal evidence that people who lose one sense—like sight or hearing—experience enhancement of remaining s...

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Structured learning can kill creativity – 系統性學習或會扼殺創意


Organized, hierarchical learning can help us make sense of the world. But recent research warns that leaning too heavily on struc...

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Cerebellum does more than we thought – 小腦的功能不止於我們所知


The brain’s cerebellum—or “little brain”—has been thought to help the body regulate things like breathing and motor skills. New r...

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