Besides increasing your risk of heart disease, depression and obesity, prolonged stress state decreases your cognitive performance. Here are 10 strategies used by smart people to cope with it, and keep it under control:
1. They Appreciate What They Have
2. They Avoid Asking “What If?”
3. They Stay Positive
4. They Disconnect
5. They Limit Their Caffeine Intake
6. They Sleep
7. They Squash Negative Self-Talk
8. They Reframe Their Perspective
9. They Breathe
10. They Use Their Support System
1. 保持感恩態度
2. 避免想「要是……怎麼辦?」
3. 保持正面想法
4. 學會抽離
5. 減少攝取咖啡因
6. 注重睡眠
7. 減少負面自我對話
8. 改變思維模式
9. 練習深呼吸
10. 建立支援機制