A groundbreaking new study led by John Gabrieli at MIT suggests that the brains of children and adults with dyslexia are less “plastic” (less adaptable) than the brains of those without dyslexia. In the study, people without dyslexia were able to create neural shortcuts to process repeated information more efficiently—but for those with dyslexia, the brain had to reprocess the information each time.
John Gabrieli在麻省理工學院領導的一項開創性新研究表明,患有讀寫障礙的兒童和成人,他們大腦的“可塑性”(適應性) 比沒有讀寫障礙的人較低。 研究顯示,沒有讀寫障礙的人能夠建立大腦神經捷徑,以更有效地處理重複的信息 。 但對於那些有讀寫障礙的人,大腦卻不得不每次都重新處理信息。