“Words can’t express our gratitude to all teachers at Powerbrain for helping shape Anders into a confident and much more focused learner in the classroom environment.
It did not take long before we saw the miraculous change in Anders’ behaviour in school. First, he said he was a lot less easily distracted. Soon after, it was the class teacher who emailed us twice in a week showing her appreciation towards his improved focus and becoming more engaged in class. Following all these were much more details from Anders himself about the types of class activities carried out during the day, instructions and work requirements from teachers, etc. Personality-wise, we have also noticed Anders’ growing confidence (not just in school, but in everything) and that he has become much more prepared for trying in times of difficulties and challenges (even if that may mean failures sometimes).
Thank you all for the love, care, patience and professionalism in coaching Anders in the past year.
I’m sure more children (and adults) will benefit from the programme with you all working as a dedicated team!”
Anders’s mom, 18 October 2016
“我們對所有Power Brain導師的感激之情已不能用言語表達,感謝他們的幫助,讓Anders 在課堂中變得更專注、更有自信。
訓練開始了不久,我們已經看到Anders在校的表現出現了奇跡般的轉變。一開始,他已經發現自己沒有像以前那樣容易分心,不久,我更在一星期內兩度收到了Anders班主任的電郵,電郵中她讚賞Anders 在課堂裡專注及投入的表現。此後,Anders還能跟我們分享很多有關學校活動、老師的指示及學習要求等等的細節。性格方面,我們亦發現Anders變得更有自信(不僅是校內表現,所有平日的表現都如是),同時他亦變得更能接受及面對困難和挑戰(就算這意味著偶爾的失敗)。
Anders’s mom, 18 October 2016